The services provided are designed to give you the Value Added information and skills that are required to improve your response rates when you are applying to a Job Opportunity

We will teach you a Life Skill that you can use for the rest of your career !!

We will help you to understand the hiring process and why traditional "Generic Sales Pitch" approaches are ineffective by highlighting the short-falls in the Hiring process that ultimately reduce it's ability to find the ideal candidate for the position and allow your resume to be overlooked.

We teach a Quality Approach that will help you to Highlight and Understand the Requirements of the position and then align yourself to those needs to provide a Solution. Please keep in mind that the whole hiring process is nothing more than an exercise in Communications. The First Rule of Communications is that it is never about what you say or do but rather how it is received and perceived.

Career Counselling is a One on One service that is tailored to your career path aspirations. We have the ability to help with Entry Level Positions to Executive Positions.

Job search - Training will be centered around how to find work in both advertised and hidden job markets as well as improve your ability to be found for opportunities.

Resumes - our Training will not only help with developing your resume but, we will show you how to adapt it for each job and how to make it more effective in capturing the attentions of those who will do the first assessment and make recommendations for interviews. 

Interview Skills - Key skills taught will center around how to understand the needs of the Hiring Authority and present yourself as a solution to their Team's needs. You will learn how to effectively understand what is being asked, how your answers will be received and perceived and how to then use that information to improve your communications by presenting it in a way that better presents you in a better light.

Job Offer Negotiations - This always is a very difficult phase for most because how do you maximize your offer without losing the opportunity. This segment will teach you how to quantify and qualify your expectations and help you to work with the Prospective Employer to develop an offer that is good for both sides.

Career Counselling is designed to help you reduce the effects of Unemployment by providing a very complete and intensive training that is geared to help you grow in your career path. 

We can provide training to fit your needs that will help you with all aspects of the hiring process to enable you to better align to a prospective new Employer and provide a solution rather than a sales pitch...No one likes a sales pitch but, we all do love a solution